Page 5 - ChildArt July-Sept 2017 Your Brain on Art
P. 5


 +                 Mind                                   =                     Impact

         Sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing                                 Health, wellbeing, learning

            Neuroscientist Semir Zeki and cognitive   community since 2009. In recent   video games, this interdisciplinary field
            psychologist Vilayanur Ramachandrian   years, the National Endowment of the   is now beginning to be able to provide
            are credited with the elevation of this   Arts (NEA) has worked to investigate   insights and research.
            field in the late 1990s. Nobel Prize winner   the value of the impact of the arts as   Over time, this new knowledge will
            Eric Kandel has also further contributed   it pertains to social and emotional   provide an important understanding of
            through his work and book The Age of   development but also to creativity,   neural basis, universal principles and
            Insight: The Quest to Understand the   cognition, and learning. In 2016, the   evolutionary rationale of aesthetics.
            Unconscious on Art, Mind and Brain.   Brain Science Institute at Johns Hopkins   These findings will also support rigorous
            Anjan Chatterjee has expanded the   School of Medicine embarked on an   approaches to develop evidence-based
            conversation with his book The Aesthetic   initiative to further accelerate the field of   arts, design and architectural solutions,
            Brain: How We Evolved to Desire Beauty   neuroaesthetics through the creation of   interventions and programs.
            and Enjoy Art. In 2003, The Academy   the International Arts + Mind Lab.   Neuroaesthetics offers an innovative
            of Neuroscience for Architecture was   Fueling the growth of neuroaesthetics   approach to better understand and amplify
            launched to advance knowledge that   are tools and technologies that support the   the way we live. There’s so much to learn
            links neuroscience and architecture. The   exploration of how our brains work that are   about the intricate intersections of the arts
            International Neuroaesthetic Network has   assessable, mobile and more affordable.   and our human brain. Join us as we explore
            been extremely productive guiding the   From molecular research and EEG, fMRI,   this exciting new field!
            development of the empirical research   and PET brain imaging to virtual reality and
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